
Workplace Accidents – Burn Injuries

by | Feb 19, 2024 | Work Injury | 0 comments


Did Someone’s Negligence Lead to Your Scald or a Burn Injury? You May Have A Right to Pursue Compensation for your injuries.

Those who suffer from burn injuries on the job often experience some of the most acute agony known to humankind. The burn injury attorneys of our Law Office understand the ordeal you and your family must deal with during this distressing time. We are also keenly aware of the intricacies of securing the rightful compensation you deserve following a burn injury. An experienced burn injury lawyer not only serves you as a skilled legal advocate and effective negotiator with those who would deny your rightful damage claim or case, but we know every fork in your road to ultimate physical and fiscal recovery. We also know how long that road can take. Burn & scald injuries are traumatic and expensive. People who suffer a burn injury find their situations are often uniquely different from other injury cases. Not only can a burn be catastrophic physically, but the treatment and recovery from a burn injury are often painfully long, and the expenses are dramatically high. Multiple surgeries are not unusual. Many times, some of those procedures involve delicate plastic surgery, especially if the injuries are facial.

Often, two legal questions arise that directly affect your rightful compensation. Those who are legally liable for your injuries might lack the insurance coverage to pay for your medical expenses, which can be astronomical. The other issue surrounds those defendants (and the insurance company and attorneys the defendant hides behind) being unwilling to pay a fair amount to you or your family member’s many days or months of pain and suffering, lost wages, and disability, not to mention the beloved survivors of the victim who suffered a wrongful burn death. As to the former, your direct medical expenses, those responsible for your injury might have an insurance policy that might cover their liability. But is their coverage enough to pay for all of your damages fully? Or worse, do they have no coverage at all? Proficient burn injury attorneys have the knowledge and resources to conduct a thorough and professional investigation to identify all liable parties who could likely be potential sources of compensation. They are adept at convincing defendants and their paid protectors that they don’t want to go to civil court against your strong case. But they will take them there and succeed if your opponents continue their belligerence. It is best to retain local counsel, such as the personal injury attorneys with our Law Office.