Accidents and illnesses are a part of life. In many cases, the effects of these circumstances are temporary. But when your illness or injury hinders your ability to take care of yourself and provide for your family, getting the help you need is crucial to your wellbeing.

San Antonio Lawyers Specializing in Social Security Disability
Determining Whether You Qualify for SSD Benefits
Before you submit your application, your San Antonio Social Security disability claim lawyer and/or case manager will want to discuss a few details about your injuries to determine the viability of your case and find out whether you qualify for benefits.
This is important because it can save you time and stress later in the process. Many are surprised to discover that their illness or injury falls in line with the requirements for SSD benefits. This discussion will also allow your attorney to form a clear understanding of your condition and needs.
The Social Security Administration breaks down eligibility into two primary categories. The first is your financial standing—both your personal standing and your household income. The second is your specific type of injury.

Financial Eligibility
As for your finances, you and your attorney will need to prove that the monthly or yearly income you’re able to earn after your injury or illness is not significant enough to maintain your quality of life. In order to prove this point, your lawyer may ask you to submit documents such as:
With the help of your San Antonio SSD attorney, you can apply for two main types of benefits: Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
Medical Eligibility
As for medical eligibility, the Social Security Administration bases whether you can collect compensation on two factors. First, the administration looks at whether your condition pre-qualifies. SSD officials maintain a list of illnesses and ailments that will automatically qualify you for benefits. Some examples of these pre-qualifying conditions include the following:
* Your San Antonio SSD claim attorney will also need to prove the severity of your condition. Specifically, he or she will need to show how your illness or injury keeps you from supporting yourself. This means you are unable to hold a job due to you condition.
San Antonio Social Security Disability FAQ
We’re here to answer every question you have about SSD benefits, the application process, and how to appeal a denied claim. Below, we’ve answered some questions our clients often ask us, but we understand that you likely have additional questions. We’ll be happy to answer those questions if you give us a call.
How a South Texas SSD Lawyer Can Help if You’ve Been Denied
It isn’t uncommon for disabled people in San Antonio to be denied SSD benefits, even if they are technically eligible. Filing for benefits is incredibly complex, and even the smallest mistake on your application or any related paperwork can cost you your benefits.
Your application might also be denied if the Social Security Administration believes you are still able to provide for yourself or that your disabilities are not expected to last for at least a year or end in death.
However, if you’ve previously applied for SSD and were denied, that doesn’t mean all hope is lost. With the help of an experienced, resourceful, aggressive lawyer at J.A. Davis & Associates, LLP, you may still be able to recover your benefits. Your lawyer will help you file an appeal to streamline the proceedings and prove why your claim should be approved.