The San Antonio Slip and Fall Lawyers at J.A. Davis & Associates, LLP, Will Help You Protect Your Legal Rights

Accidents will happen; they’re a fact of everyday life. Unfortunately, when they do, they often result in injuries for those involved. What’s worse, many accidents are the result of someone else’s negligence.

The personal injury lawyers on our team are highly qualified legal experts who stand by your side when you need them most. We vigorously fight for our injured clients by taking on the insurance companies or bringing your case to court. One way or another, our accident lawyers will ensure you receive a fair settlement by holding the at-fault party responsible.

Slips and falls accidents cause some of the most frequent and serious injuries, resulting in over 1 million hospital emergency room visits every year, according to the National Floor Safety Institute. They are also the leading cause of lost days from work, meaning lost income few workers can afford.

If you’re injured on someone else’s property, whether commercial or personal, you may be able to seek compensation by pursuing civil litigation. Slip-and-fall lawsuits are not straightforward, as you need to prove negligence on the part of the business manager or property owner. That’s why you need a skilled personal injury attorney by your side.

At our personal injury law firm, we have brought countless successful premises liability claims forth. Our personal injury lawyers understand the laws governing slip-and-fall lawsuits and aim to maximize your settlement via fair compensation.

To speak to one of our skilled San Antonio slip and fall lawyers, call our law offices now at (956) 994-0565 and receive a free consultation. Our attorneys can help you find the responsible party and hold them accountable for your injuries, medical expenses, and emotional distress.

If you or a family member has suffered an injury due to a premise accident on someone else’s property in San Antonio, speak to our San Antonio slip and fall attorneys for more information. If you have suffered severe injuries that required medical attention and you have incurred medical expenses, you may want to consider taking legal action to seek financial compensation for any damages you or your loved one have endured.

It may appear like a minor incident at first, but a slip, trip, and fall incident often leads to serious injuries that leave victims with mounting medical bills, several days of missed work, out-of-pocket expenses, and other losses.

Some of the leading causes of slip and fall in San Antonio accident injuries include:

  • Uneven floor surfaces
  • Slippery floors
  • Narrow or defective stairways
  • Reduced visibility due to low lighting
  • Objects left on the ground
  • Low overhangs

The injuries suffered by slip and fall victims can include bruising, broken bones, concussions, neck and back injuries, and lacerations. These accidents can even leave the victims suffering from chronic pain they will never fully recover from.

Slip & Fall accidents are surprisingly common in the state of Texas, and while it may seem simple to determine what caused the accident in the first place, such as a slippery floor or uneven surface, it’s never easy to prove who was responsible for the injuries sustained.

San Antonio Slip & Fall Accidents – Who Is Responsible For Your Injury?

Slip & fall accidents can happen almost anywhere. In Texas, there are very detailed rules regarding the rights of those who visit someone else’s property as a guest. Property owners have a duty of care to keep their premises safe for visitors, meaning the property should be kept free of hazards, defects, and other unsafe conditions.

Property owners and business managers should routinely inspect their properties to identify potential hazards. Once they become aware of any safety concerns, they must warn visitors of their existence and take reasonable measures to address these hazards.

If you are unsure as to the owner’s negligence, consider the following:

  • Did the owner have knowledge of the condition?
  • Did the condition pose an unreasonable risk of harm?

  • Did the owner fail to exercise reasonable care to deal with the risk?

  • Did that failure cause the injury?

To pursue a slip and fall case, you will need to prove that the property owner either created the dangerous situation or knew about the hazard and did nothing to rectify it. You will also need to demonstrate evidence that the owner’s failure to fulfill their duty led to your injury and damages for which compensation can be rendered.

Several different Texas laws and regulations are involved in these cases, so to protect your rights, you will need to seek the assistance of our knowledgeable accident lawyers.

Determining your role in your injury Accidents

While many of the cause comes down to someone else’s negligence, other times, it comes down to our own carelessness. For a person to seek compensation for a slip and fall accident injury, there will need to be a reason for an accident claim. A minor bruise is unlikely to warrant a civil litigation case.

Ultimately, a judge and jury will decide whether or not the accused was negligent in their responsibility to maintain a safe environment. However, to help you understand whether your own actions may have led to your injury, consider your role in the incident.

For instance, were you distracted by something when the incident took place, which could have made the accident more likely? Even checking your phone quickly could have caused you to miss an obvious hazard. Were there warning signs posted in the area, such as notice of a slippery floor? Would most people have spotted the hazard and avoided the area?

Slip and fall injury victims face a higher burden of proof, so it’s important that you have skilled legal counsel by your side. We are thorough in our approach, which is why we will ask you specific questions regarding the nature of your accident to help ascertain liability.

What to do after a slip and fall.

If you have suffered an injury in a trip and fall accident on someone else’s premises, then you may have the right to file a personal injury claim. There are some important steps you should take following the incident:

  • Report the incident to the owner or manager of the premises.

  • Where appropriate, ensure the accident is properly documented and request a copy of any incident report • Take note of the environment at the time of your accident and, if possible, obtain photographic evidence of the hazard that caused your injuries
  • Seek out the names and contact details of any witnesses • Seek immediate medical attention to have your injuries treated

  • Retain full medical documentation of your injuries

  • Contact our experienced San Antonio slip and fall attorney, who has in-depth knowledge of the complexities of premises liability cases.

Consulting with our skilled slip and fall lawyer is key in determining whether a possible cause of action exists. The knowledgeable attorneys at J.A. Davis & Associates, LLP will be able to study the details surrounding the incident to help you determine whether or not the property owner can be found to be at fault for the accident.

Don’t let the insurance companies take advantage of you. If you have sustained an injury on someone else’s premises, you will likely be contacted by an insurance agent who wants to ask you questions about the incident that took place. Before you speak to an insurance agent, we recommend contacting a law firm.

After all, insurance companies are in it for the money, just like any other business. They are always looking for ways to protect their bottom line, which is why they will attempt to minimize legitimate claims or deny them altogether.

If an insurance adjuster-agent seems to be trying to settle the claim quickly, then they likely don’t have your best interest at heart. You need to stand up and protect your legal rights to fair compensation.

With an experienced attorney by your side, the insurance company will know you have a solid case and that you are ready to go to trial if necessary. This will incentivize them to make you a fair offer, so you can get the compensation you rightly deserve.

Contact one of our San Antonio slip and fall attorneys today If you have suffered a premise accident due to unsafe conditions or other negligence, call us at (956) 994-0565 for a free consultation. You can also fill out our online form, and one of our qualified slip and fall lawyers will contact you within 24 hours.

Initial Consultation Is Always Free

The laws surrounding slip & fall lawsuits are complex and difficult to understand, which is why you can benefit from having legal representation from an experienced personal injury attorney by your side. At J.A. Davis & Associates, LLP, we know what your claim is worth and are not afraid to fight for full compensation, holding business owners and private property owners alike responsible.