The San Antonio Oil Field Injury Lawyers at J.A. Davis & Associates, LLP Fight to Protect Your Interests

The personal injury lawyers on our team are highly qualified legal experts, standing by your side when you need them most. We vigorously fight for our injured clients by taking on the insurance companies or bringing your case to court. One way or another, we will ensure you receive a fair settlement by holding the at-fault party responsible.

Oilfield Injury Attorneys Work for You

Texas’s oil and gas boom has been a mixed blessing for many of San Antonio’s residents. While many people have benefited financially from the situation, others have seen their lives destroyed by life-changing oil field injuries. Oilfield accidents and fatalities are tragically common and often happen because oil and gas companies have not implemented proper safety measures and protocols.

Sadly, these accidents can leave workers with severe injuries, such as traumatic brain injury (TBI), the after-effects of which can be felt for years to come. South Texas accident victims can be left with permanent disfigurement and scarring, face years of rehabilitation, and, what’s worse, they can be left holding the bills for their medical expenses.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an oil field accident, you must call our qualified oilfield accident attorney to help you fight the oil company, insurance companies, and their skilled lawyers attempting to protect their bottom line at all costs to get your financial compensation.

The legal team at J.A. Davis & Associates, LLP will stand by you and stand up for your rights every step of the way. Our knowledgeable oil field injury attorneys have experience building strong cases and are available for a free consultation. Contact us at (956) 994-0565 to find out how we can help you get the settlement you deserve.

South Texas Oil field accidents can lead to serious injury or death. Oilfield work is notoriously dangerous; company negligence is often to blame for accidents that cause injury and/or wrongful death. Our law firm routinely handles oil field injury cases, and we’ve seen the type of damage these accidents can cause.

These are just some of the most common injuries you may encounter on an oil field; however, you could be injured in many other ways. If you are unsure whether or not you qualify for a settlement claim, call us so we can discuss your case during a free consultation.

Our San Antonio oil field injury lawyers have helped injured workers In the past couple of decades, Texas has experienced a dramatic surge in drilling, and with it has come an increase in the number of oil field deaths and injuries. Oilfield work is some of the most dangerous in the nation, with employees facing many potential hazards on the job.

Common causes of injury include:


The most common work-related injury oil field workers suffer is falls. Workers often fall from elevated surfaces, including rigs with slippery surfaces, and these injuries can be particularly tricky to deal with.

Sometimes, you won’t know the extent of your injury for several days or weeks. However, even if your injury seems relatively minor, we urge you to seek medical attention immediately. Failing to do so could cause a workers’ compensation claim to be denied.

Truck accidents

When your job requires the use of a vehicle, there is always a risk of being involved in an accident, whether you are the one driving the car or truck or another worker is. Your employer is responsible for ensuring that vehicles are properly maintained to ensure their reliability and prevent accidents from occurring.

Defective equipment

Oil field workers use a variety of equipment on the job, from tools to heavy machinery and vehicles. These can fail at any time and cause serious injury or death. As with cars and trucks, employers are responsible for ensuring that routine maintenance is completed to prevent injuries.

Neglected rigs

Rigs require proper maintenance and inspections to ensure their safety, just like any other piece of machinery. One small problem with an oil rig could cause catastrophic injuries, and it is up to the oil company to ensure the safety of its workers.

Consequences of Texas’ Oil Boom:

Texas is America’s largest oil-producing state, accounting for roughly 42% of the total output. The South Texas oil fields and the Permian Basin greatly contribute to this number.

The oil boom in South Texas has had an incredibly positive impact on the local economy. It has created high-paying jobs, driven population growth, and increased demand for new housing and office buildings.

However, these positives do not come without cost. The sudden population growth has also led to increased traffic, traffic accidents, and fatalities. Many motor vehicle accidents and deaths are oilfield-related.

The oil and gas industry has taken steps to address roadway safety in the past, with seminars, hands-on training, and guidance documents such as The Recommended Practices, which covers issues such as vehicle safety equipment, driver safety programs, vehicle compliance and maintenance, and evaluating driver qualifications and carrier performance.

However, these are not the only types of accidents that have seen an increase since the oil industry boom. The number of oil deaths in Texas has experienced a drastic increase, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Of the 663 workers killed in oil field accidents in the United States, roughly 40% were in Texas. These statistics are troubling and demonstrate that oil companies must do more to keep their workers safe.

Injuries commonly sustained while working in oil fields include:

  • Head, neck, or back injuries
  • Broken bones
  • Brain injury and concussions
  • Heat or chemical burns and inhalation of smoke or toxic fumes
  • Loss of limbs
  • Blunt force trauma

Those who suffer an injury while on the job often face prolonged medical treatment and a lengthy and expensive recovery. It’s a difficult time, both for the worker and their family, particularly if you add the weight of medical bills and missed paychecks into the equation.

If the family’s primary breadwinner is denied an injury claim, it can place a tremendous burden on the rest of the family. Of course, there is more than just money at stake. Our dedicated lawyers are here to help seek compensation and hold the negligent party responsible for both physical and intangible injuries you may have suffered due to this accident.

As part of your settlement, we may seek compensation for medical bills, pain and suffering endured, loss of wages, surgery bills, physical therapy and rehabilitation, future medical care, and other related expenses.

To build your case, we will gather and review relevant documents and evidence, including insurance documents, medical records, and witness statements. We believe that our clients deserve all of our efforts and will do everything we can to ensure you are in the best possible position for long-term relief.

Work With a San Antonio Oilfield Accident Attorney

If you have suffered an oil field injury, contact one of our San Antonio oil field injury attorneys today at (956) 994-0565 for a free consultation. You have legal rights after an oil field accident, and our personal injury lawyers are here to help you protect them.

Our legal services are available to any accident injury victims in San Antonio.

At J.A. Davis & Associates, LLP, we respect the hard work of oil field employees in San Antonio and South Texas. We understand the dangers they face daily on the job and that accidents can often result in life-altering injuries or fatalities. We are not afraid to aggressively serve the needs of our clients, especially when it concerns their safety and recovery.